
Bahrain economy development plan

Disclosure: this article is written by Mohammed Alriffaie to highlight his opinion on how its possible to develop the economic situation of Bahrain in 2023. those are high level points that the kingdom of Bahrain can work on in the next decade.


Bahrain is a small island nation in the Middle East with a diversified economy that is centered on the petroleum industry, but also includes a significant financial services sector and other industries such as manufacturing, construction, and tourism.

Compared to some of its neighboring countries, Bahrain has a relatively small and open economy, which allows it to be more flexible and adaptable to change. It has a lower GDP than some of its larger neighbors, such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, but it has a relatively high GDP per capita due to its small population.

Bahrain has a relatively low unemployment rate and a high standard of living compared to some other countries in the region. It also has a well-developed infrastructure and a business-friendly environment, which make it attractive to foreign investors.

One area where Bahrain lags behind some of its neighbors is in the area of oil production. While it has a significant petroleum industry, it has smaller oil reserves compared to countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which means it is less reliant on oil exports for its economic growth.

Overall, Bahrain has a diverse and dynamic economy that has been able to adapt and thrive in a challenging region. It is a small but influential player in the Middle East, with a strong focus on economic development and international trade.

Economic development plan

Diversify the economy: Bahrain should continue to focus on diversifying its economy to reduce its reliance on the petroleum industry. This could include investments in industries such as financial services, tourism, manufacturing, and technology.

  • Financial services: Bahrain has a well-established financial services sector, and it could continue to grow this industry by investing in infrastructure and attracting foreign investment.
  • Tourism: Bahrain has a rich cultural heritage and a variety of tourist attractions, such as its beaches, museums, and historical sites. Developing the tourism sector could create jobs and drive economic growth.
  • Manufacturing: Bahrain could focus on developing its manufacturing industry by investing in infrastructure, offering incentives to companies that invest in the country, and supporting small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Technology: Bahrain has a growing technology sector, and it could continue to support the growth of this industry by investing in research and development, promoting entrepreneurship, and fostering collaboration between industry and academia.
  • Education: Bahrain has a well-educated population, and it could leverage this asset by investing in the education sector and developing training programs to support the growth of new industries.
  • Healthcare: Bahrain has a well-developed healthcare system, and it could expand this sector by investing in infrastructure and attracting foreign investment.
Revenue by Ministries & Government Agencies for the Fiscal Years 2021 & 2022
Revenue by Ministries & Government Agencies for the Fiscal Years 2021 & 2022

Promote foreign investment: Bahrain should work to attract foreign investment by creating a business-friendly environment and offering incentives to companies that invest in the country.

  • Offer financial incentives: Bahrain could offer financial incentives, such as tax breaks or grants, to companies that invest in the country.
  • Create a business-friendly environment: Bahrain could work to create a business-friendly environment by streamlining regulations, reducing red tape, and providing support to businesses, such as access to financing and resources.
  • Invest in infrastructure: Developing infrastructure, such as transportation, telecommunications, and energy, can make Bahrain more attractive to foreign investors.
  • Foster partnerships: Bahrain could work to foster partnerships with other countries and organizations to promote foreign investment. This could include initiatives such as trade missions or investment summits.

Promote the country’s strengths: Bahrain should promote its strengths as a destination for foreign investment, such as its strategic location, skilled workforce, and favorable business climate.

  • Transportation: Improving transportation infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and public transportation systems, can help to make it easier for people and goods to move around the country, which can support economic growth.
  • Telecommunications: Investing in telecommunications infrastructure, such as broadband internet and mobile networks, can improve connectivity and support the growth of industries such as technology and financial services.
  • Energy: Developing energy infrastructure, such as power plants and renewable energy sources, can improve energy security and reduce costs for businesses, which can support economic growth.
  • Public spaces: Investing in public spaces, such as parks, recreational facilities, and cultural centers, can improve the quality of life for citizens and make the country more attractive to visitors and investors.

Support small and medium-sized businesses: Encouraging the growth of small and medium-sized businesses can help to create jobs and drive economic growth. Bahrain should offer support and resources to these businesses, such as access to financing, training, and mentorship.

  • Provide access to financing: SMEs often face challenges in accessing financing, which can limit their growth potential. Bahrain could work to provide SMEs with access to financing, such as through loans or grants.
  • Offer training and mentorship: Providing training and mentorship to SMEs can help these businesses develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Bahrain could offer training programs or connect SMEs with mentors or experts in their field.
  • Streamline regulations: Reducing red tape and streamlining regulations can make it easier for SMEs to start and grow their businesses. Bahrain could work to simplify regulations and provide support to help SMEs navigate the process.
  • Promote networking and collaboration: Encouraging networking and collaboration between SMEs can help these businesses learn from one another and support each other’s growth. Bahrain could support initiatives such as business associations or networking events to promote these connections.

Foster innovation and entrepreneurship: Promoting innovation and entrepreneurship can help to drive economic development and diversification. Bahrain should invest in initiatives that support these efforts, such as incubators and accelerators.

  • Invest in research and development: Supporting research and development can help to create new technologies and ideas that can drive economic growth. Bahrain could invest in initiatives such as grants, incubators, and accelerators to support innovation.
  • Promote collaboration: Encouraging collaboration between academia, industry, and government can help to foster innovation and entrepreneurship. Bahrain could support initiatives such as networking events, hackathons, and partnerships to promote collaboration.
  • Support entrepreneurship education: Providing entrepreneurship education and training can help to develop the skills and knowledge that entrepreneurs need to succeed. Bahrain could invest in initiatives such as business schools, incubators, and accelerators to support entrepreneurship education.
  • Offer incentives: Bahrain could offer incentives, such as tax breaks or grants, to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship.

Focus on education and training: A skilled workforce is essential for economic growth. Bahrain should invest in education and training programs to help its citizens develop the skills they need to succeed in the modern economy.

  • Invest in education: Providing access to high-quality education can help to develop the skills and knowledge of the workforce. Bahrain could invest in initiatives such as schools, universities, and training programs to support education.
  • Partner with industry: Collaborating with industry can help to ensure that education and training programs are aligned with the needs of businesses and industries. Bahrain could work with businesses to develop apprenticeship programs, internships, and other partnerships to support education and training.
  • Support lifelong learning: Encouraging lifelong learning can help to ensure that the workforce is able to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing economy. Bahrain could invest in initiatives such as continuing education programs and online learning to support lifelong learning.
  • Promote skills development: Supporting the development of specific skills can help to meet the needs of businesses and industries. Bahrain could invest in initiatives such as technical training programs or professional development opportunities to promote skills development.

Promote tourism: Developing the tourism sector can help to create jobs and drive economic growth. Bahrain should invest in marketing efforts and infrastructure projects to attract visitors to the country.

  • Develop tourism infrastructure: Investing in tourism infrastructure, such as hotels, restaurants, and attractions, can make Bahrain more attractive to visitors.
  • Market the country: Promoting Bahrain as a tourist destination can help to attract visitors to the country. Bahrain could invest in marketing campaigns and partnerships to promote the country’s tourism offerings.
  • Foster cultural exchange: Encouraging cultural exchange can help to make Bahrain more attractive to visitors and promote understanding between different cultures. Bahrain could support initiatives such as cultural festivals, exchange programs, and cultural centers to foster cultural exchange.
  • Promote sustainable tourism: Developing sustainable tourism practices can help to preserve the country’s natural and cultural resources and make it more attractive to environmentally conscious travelers. Bahrain could invest in initiatives such as eco-tourism and conservation efforts to promote sustainable tourism.